Saturday, November 24, 2012

Drug and Alcohol Interactions

Alcohol is so much a part of our lives. It is everywhere. It is easily obtained and used in many ways, for pleasure, business, dining, socially in groups and meetings. People tend to use alcohol without hesitation or thought. They also forget that it is a drug. In fact, it is the only drug that you don't need a prescription for, which makes it so dangerous. When people use alcohol with other medications it could be and life threatening. Alcohol was one of the first drugs discovered by people. As far back as the earliest civilization alcohol was consumed by many. Sailors were probably some of the first guinea pigs of drug and alcohol interactions.

Captains of sailing ships often needed extra crew members at the last minute and with the knowledge that it would be difficult to roundup willing volunteers, they would go to the local taverns and make a deal with the shady bartenders to spot a likely candidate in the bar. They would be slipped some chloral hydrate, a tranquilizer that was a forerunner of barbiturates, in their drinks rum or grog as they would call it. The chloral hydrate produced a supra additive effect by delaying and modifying alcohol metabolism and adding a sedative action all its own. The drug would knock the sailor out cold and before he knew what was happening and before he would wake up he would be so far out to sea there was not much he could do. He would be trapped. Putting aside the issues of alcohol abuse, we are also concerned with the very serious potential of alcohol interaction when used with other medications that we may take as prescribed or not. People rarely tell their doctors that they occasionally have a drink from time to time.

Although they are usually asked and told by their doctor to not use prescribed medications with alcohol people often ignore the warning label on the bottle which states-"Do not use with alcohol". Surprisingly there are an amazing number of drugs that can be very hazardous combinations with alcohol. There are many different medications that can enhance the effects of alcohol. Anti anxiety agents such as Librium, Tranxene, Valium, or Xanax should never be combined with alcohol. Beer is alcohol too. Reflexes can be slowed and mental function can be impaired at very low doses. Anti- depressants and even some tension headache relievers such as Florina l or Fioricet (which contain the barbiturate butalbital) can be a serious problem. Also antihistamines are another danger. They are found in allergy, cold and flu remedy's.

Always read the labels and ask the pharmacist about the cautions of medications that are safe.

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What Is Traffic And How Do I Get Some?

In order to succeed online, you MUST have these three elements:

Something to sell A website that makes the sale People coming to that site and buying

Deciding on and setting up numbers one and two are as easy as pie. In fact, you could have these in place within the next 10 minutes.

The third element, getting real people to come to your site and buy something, has most people stumped.

In Internet terms, getting visitors to your site is called getting traffic. There is no other topic on which so much is written, and so much is wrong.

Being a fairly simple minded fellow, I like to keep things simple and easy to understand. In that light, here are some thoughts on understanding, and getting, traffic.

There are basically two types of traffic, paid and free.

This means you are going to have to pay for traffic through either your efforts (free traffic) or your pocketbook (paid traffic).

Everybody pays... some with time, others with money. I'm sure by now you know that the "three click" wonders don't work for anyone... except the people selling them!

There is paid traffic and free traffic; nothing more and nothing less.

Let's take a look at free traffic, and see how it works:

Free Traffic

'Free traffic' is the siren song of the digital age.

Is it possible to really get free traffic to your site? Sure. Can you build a business based on this traffic? Yes.

BUT you will have to work hard, and learn how to get (and use) free traffic.

The main sources of free traffic are:


Often considered to be the best way to get free traffic, the goal is to get your site listed in the coveted 'top ten' search results. You can't trick the search engines, so the best way to do this is to provide lots of good content.

If your site is helpful to readers, you will do well.

If you try and outsmart the search engines to get traffic you will go broke buying the latest and greatest. These items either won't work, or won't work for very long.

Create a content rich site (with original, high quality content) and the search engines will reward you by displaying your site when people search for the type of information you provide.


Free ads are a mixed blessing. While they are free, which is good, they usually don't work, which is bad.

If you can place a free ad in a place where ads are usually sold, it might be worth your time.

Word of warning: ad blasters and automated submitters do not work in testing, and should to be avoided.


Without a doubt, marketing with articles is the number one free traffic method, and anyone can do it.

You start by writing a short article - around 500 words - that describes a problem people face and provides ways to solve that problem.

Once your article is written, you can submit it to article directories, ezines, etc, to get the widest possible distribution.

Write and submit an article each week and soon you will get very interested visitors who are proven to buy.


This is when you create something of value that others can give away, while making sure you benefit from it being given away.

The key here is that you both win when the product is given freely.

In most cases, the person who gives the book away for you wins by providing good information that they don't have to write. You win because the product contains links back to your site.

The most common form of this is either some type of software, short e-book or report.


Publishing an ezine is highly profitable and easy to do. All you need to do is gather, or write, articles about a specific subject and publish an ezine (like the one you are reading now) on a schedule. That might mean every week, or every month.

You can get great articles from all sorts of places, like article directories or ezine directories.

Publish an ezine, offer it to everyone in your address book and who visits your site, and watch your traffic grow.


This is super easy today. If you have a hosting account, the chances are you have blogging software on that account free. If not, you can always use Blogger.

Just as with a website, on a blog you publish great content and search engines will send traffic over time.

It's easy to interact with your readers by letting them comment on posts, and you can tailor the structure to meet your personal needs. Plus you can offer an RSS feed, rather than just emails, for those who prefer getting content automatically.


This is an excellent, and free, way to earn while you learn. Visit forums that are specific to your site and post questions or make comments.

This works well if you understand reciprocity and are wiling to give a bit before you receive. Don't use your forum post as an ad in disguise.

Once forum members get to know and trust you, they will visit the site you list in your signature area. By becoming involved in the forums specific to your topic of interest, you will get very targeted free traffic on a steady basis.

As you can see, there are many ways to get free traffic to your site. Remember that these methods will take time. But if you have more time than money right now, these techniques will work to get traffic to your site.

I hope they work for you too.

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Fast Cash Video Marketing - What You Need To Know To Make Money Out Of Video Marketing

Today, we are going to touch on the topic of video marketing. Video marketing has gained popularity over the last few years, with the rise of YouTube and other video streaming websites.

There are three main reasons why you need to do video marketing today:

1. Videos have a high click through rate

Do you know that the average video on YouTube has 150,000 visits and an average click through rate of 25 - 30%? This means that for every 100 people who watch your video, 25 - 30 of them will click your video and go to your squeeze page or website. This is much higher than the 4 - 5% for most pay per click programs.

2. Videos give you a rank advantage

You get an advantage in the search engines because videos are now ranked in the search engines too. In fact, if you are the only video in a niche with the right keywords, you can be ranked in the first page of the search engine easily.

3. Videos are considered more entertaining and better way of presenting information and selling benefits.

Consider reading about the iPhone versus watching one of Apple's launch video for the iPhone 4, which one is more interesting? If you can present information in an entertaining way, people will like you and trust you, and in the long run buy from you.

Now that you know why you should be doing video marketing, it is important to understand why it is so powerful.

1. Videos are an experience

A video is not a just a bunch of text that sells you something. It provides an experience for the viewer. Good videos brings them on a ride into another world

2. Videos rides on the emotions

How people feel about you or the product determines how many sales you make. This is because people buy out of emotions. Videos are the perfect medium that allows the strongest emotions to be elicited. People can be whatever you want them to be - depending on how you make them feel

3. Videos are personal

One of the things that people forget about YouTube is that it is all about the person. If you can (and you should) show your face here and there to share more about yourself and give your professional tip in person. People want to find out about you, before they want to know about your product. One of the best advice given to me by a sales mentor is that people buy people.

Keep these tips in mind and use it to your advantage in video marketing.

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Traffic Generation Methods You Never Knew About

I am always on the lookout for new traffic generation methods. While the old-school methods do work, it is always interesting to find the next breakthrough way of generating some solid traffic to your website. Who knows, one of these methods could be a winner for you.

Here are just five of the methods I recently uncovered:

1. Underground Forums

There are several underground forums that offer freebies or downloads of hot products currently on sale. If you want to generate traffic for list building, you can ask a friend to upload a link for a "backdoor" registration or link to a product you are selling. It is a good way to get a regular stream of people coming into your website. A word of warning though - don't get caught promoting your own product or you might get banned.

2. Email Signature

Your email signature is a secret weapon most people miss out on. If you regularly communicate with people over the web, you will at least reach out to 3 - 4 people per day. Imagine if those people saw your link and clicked on it? Instant traffic without doing much work! Put in a link to your website and a short one sentence describing the benefit of checking out your website.

if you are using a messenger service, feel free to update your status with your link and a short reason why people should check it out.

3. Pay With A Tweet

"Pay With A Tweet" is a project by "Innovative Thunder" for fun. While it is still new, it has the potential to send your link and spread the word about you to dozens of people. The idea is that you offer a product for download and all people have to do to get access to the download is to click on the "Pay with a tweet" button. Your link is now shared with the person's followers and the cycle continues! The first book the team launched had over 13,000 downloads in 72 hours just using this method.

Imagine putting up a link to an e-book and getting people to share it on twitter. You can simply leave affiliate links and a short bio of yourself in your book and share it!

4. Facebook Groups

You will be surprised how easy it is to get dozens of traffic coming into your website simply by placing your link in a post to the group or a reply to a post. I like to make sure that my link is relevant to the group and if I am commenting to a post, that the link is relevant and helpful. This is to make sure I do not get kicked out the group and that I am still providing value.

This helps spread the word because other members of the group will see the link and check it out! Instant traffic!

Try out these unusual methods of traffic generation and see how they work out for you.

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How to Increase Website Traffic With Article Marketing and Promotion

Thousands of website owners are looking for ways to increase traffic to their websites. The fact is, you will never make money online if you aren't getting a steady flow of visitors to your website. Article marketing will help drive highly targeted people to your business even while you sleep. If this is something that you would like, keep reading.

It will be impossible to succeed with marketing articles if you do not know who your target audience is. You need to research your target market. Who wants to learn about your products and services? How old are they? Believe it or not, these things are very important. But let's start with the basics. People who are looking for information online will use keywords to do it. What keywords are they using to find the information you offer? Use the Google keyword tool to find out what people are typing in the search box. Then, keep records of all the keywords your target audience uses to find you.

The next step is to write your articles. Your articles should help people solve their problems and answer their questions. A good article will walk them through each step to solving their problem. Make sure to write shorter articles because people don't like to read for very long in one sitting. I suggest that you stick with 400-500 words per article.

Are you writing enough articles? If you aren't writing at least 5 per day, you're losing. This is because it takes time for your content to get indexed in Google, Yahoo, and Bing. If you aren't writing enough, how do you expect to get traffic to your website? It won't happen. Stick to a proven plan and write often. This is how you will succeed with article marketing.

Are you getting enough back-links to your website? The fact is that back-links are what Google, Yahoo, and Bing use to determine whether or not your website is good enough to be on the first page of their search engine. If you are writing articles every day and are targeting different keywords in your anchor text, you will cause your website to climb higher in the search engines. And when this happens, things get very exciting. The key is to make sure your personal website has high quality content to begin with. Then, you will submit articles to the directories that link to your website causing it to climb to the first page of Google.

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How To Use Yahoo (Overture) To Increase Your Website Visitors

Overture was well - known for its foresight, quickly realising that people were turning to the internet to shop. It invented the Pay for Performance, or P4P as you may know it. You may also know that Overture was subsequently taken over by Yahoo.

In order to make sales, your website must be in a prominent position so that it will attract customers. More traffic equals more sales and is therefore crucial to any internet business. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) means using different methods to get your website to rank as highly as possible. However a lot of these methods are laborious and time - consuming and it is easy to become disillusioned if your website is nowhere to be seen when you are putting hours of work. Although these methods may be low - cost or even free, your precious time can be spent more productively.

An easier and more time effective way of directing traffic to your website is to use adverts. One of the many services Yahoo provides is to put a site or business advert in their sites - when certain keywords are entered this advert will be displayed.

Google has a service known as AdWords but Yahoo offers something very similar. As you enter your keyword search, you will notice on the right side of your screen that certain adverts will automatically appear. The keyword or phrase determines which ads will be shown. These are ads which have actually been paid for.

For example if you have a site selling gardening equipment, you would choose appropriate keywords to trigger your ads. So if someone searched for a leaf blower and that is one of the keyword phrases you have chosen, your ad may be shown. This is a great way of generating traffic to your websites.

There is obviously a charge for using this service, and this can be done in different ways. You may be charged for the actual number of keywords or phrases you choose, or it may be on the number of times your ad is actually clicked on. Other services such as having your ad shown on third party sites as well as the search engine pages are also available. Such third party sites would support any ads linked to a similar theme / niche to their own. Obviously the more opportunities you can create to promote your sites, the more chance you have of increasing traffic, attracting potential customers and ultimately gaining sales - your goal. This small investment will soon bring profits to your internet business.

In today's expanding internet market, competition is fierce, so it is extremely important for you to try different things to set you apart from the crowd. Yahoo would be a perfect place for you to begin your advertising and watch your internet business expanding and becoming more successful!

I hope you have found this article useful!

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Traffic Building - Why Do You Still Earn Little to No Income in the Internet Marketing Business?

I want you to just imagine this: Your birthday is coming. You have the best looking house in town, the best location and the best address. You invested a lot in renovating the house with chic and style and prepped up a birthday bash for yourself like how Hollywood celebrities do. Come birthday party time, all you hear was crickets chirping, dogs howling and your own music player keep on looping the same songs. Nobody turned up to your party. Does that sound familiar to you?

Of course it does! You have the best looking website that makes people feeling envious, the best writing style that make Shakespeare blush, and selling products with qualities so good that even Your Majesty might knight you. But if you did not shout out and let the whole world knows it, then simply, who knows? That is where traffic building comes into the picture.

In the context of internet marketing, there are two types of traffic building methods; they are free methods and paid methods. Free methods are article writing, video marketing, blogging and forum marketing. The paid methods are solo advertisements (solo ads) and advertisement swapping (ads swaps).

The advantage of free methods is mainly, they are free. Unfortunately, since they are free, most people can also do it, the traffic generation is slower and requires more tedious work compared to paid methods.

But this does not mean that you should totally ignore them. It is because they are very important for you to build a brand name for yourself by increasing your credibility and presence in the online community. For example, if you write articles well in a specific niche, interested readers will take notice of you and they will look forward to you as an expert of that niche.

The advantage of paid methods is they generate traffic faster. By buying the right kind of advertisements, you will make targeted visitors instantly recognize your presence among other websites in a big sea of the World Wide Web.

The disadvantage of paid methods is it requires trial and error for this method to work. It can be quite costly to you if you do not know where to buy the right kind of advertisements to promote your business. Paid methods is a good way for you to generate fast income provided that you can practise good cost-volume-profit (CVP) management and knowing which source to find good advertisement schemes.

Traffic generation is a skill that can be sharpened by everyone who wishes to grow their business exponentially. It does not require a person who has a PHD certificates, a computer science nerd or some born genius. What it requires are your thirst of knowledge, unafraid to practise and experiment and also purchasing books and guides that help you fasten the process.

In conclusion, I want you to put this in mind: A true expert in traffic building is the one that knows every traffic building method and he/she creates a fine balance between free methods and paid methods. No traffic equals to no visitors equals to no income.

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3 Smart Tips to Getting Action From Your Content

Seems like every expert and their sister declares that all you need to do is write a simple article, submit it around the internet, and soon you'll become an instant millionaire. Is it really that easy?

Of course it is... if you know the right things to do to get Smoking Hot Traffic.

Some content marketers just churn out article after article, without giving much thought to how the strategy works and what they're hoping to achieve. These are the folks who are then dissatisfied when they don't get the results they were looking for. They might even claim that content marketing doesn't work.

That is simply not true, of course. However, there's always room for improvement in the way you write your articles. Indeed, small tweaks can produce big results. Read on...

So what are these 3 tips that will get my content read?

1. Use the Active Voice

One of the easiest ways to make your articles more appealing is by ensuring that you avoid passive language and always use the active voice. Here's what I mean: If there is some action in your article, make sure that your reader is taking this action or that a character in your story is the one taking the action.

Let me give you an example, which will clear this up really quickly:

Passive: The article will be written. This is weak and not engaging. The question is, who's writing the article? To make this sentence engaging, you need to make it active, like this... Active: You will write the article.

Notice the difference?

All you have to do is search through your articles and look for red flags of passive language, such as phrases like "will be." When you find them, rewrite the sentence so that a person is completing the action.

2. Assume the Sale

This is an ancient copywriting and sales trick that converts nicely to articles, especially if you have a specific call to action at the end of the article. Here's how it works...

Instead of asking someone to take an action, you assume that they're going to take it. For example, a sales person who's making an appointment doesn't ask, "Can we set up an appointment?" Instead, he assumes the person wants the appointment and asks, "Would you like to set up an appointment on Monday or Tuesday?"

Likewise, you can do the same in your writing. For example, you don't ask someone to buy. Instead, you tell them how to do it. That is, you're assuming they want to buy... so you just let them know the next step.

3. Cater to Different Learning Styles

Here's a little-known trick. But first, some background...

Different people prefer to learn in different ways. Some rely on their sense of sight, some prefer to hear the information and the third group prefers hands-on experience and emotional-based learning.

The first way you can use your content to generate your desired interest is by offering multi-media content. While you are primarily a text-based content marketer, you should post videos and audios on your blog and elsewhere from time to time.

Secondly, the phrases you use in your content can impact your reader. Specifically, you can use phrases that attract to the above-mentioned different learners. For example:

• Sight-based learners like phrases like "you see" and "it's clear."

• Auditory learners prefer phrases like "listen" and "I hear you."

• Kinesthetic-emotional learners like phrases like "I feel you" and "touch base."

My point is, all you have to do is be sure to sprinkle in some eye-catching, ear-dropping and kinesthetic-emotional phrases in every article you craft. That way, you'll appeal to a broader audience and build rapport more quickly. End result, you'll have readers that trust you, which leads to more sales, a responsive list and some Smoking Hot Traffic!

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How to Create a Passive Income Stream and Siphon Leads From "Ninja Traffic Sources" - Get an Edge!

Hello and welcome to my article, I just want to talk with you for a minute about How to Create a Passive Income Stream.

When done right it can catapult the results you're getting right now. This will be a one way conversation but my hope is that you leave with value.

Let's take a deeper look and solve this from the beginning so you won't have to experience the same pains I did...

How to Create a Passive Income Stream

This is something people always talk about when they mention business. This is the most lucrative kind of income anyone could want. Imagine getting the same amount of money per month and it never decreases, it only increases by 10, 20 or 30%... that's a nice feeling to know your income is secure.

Traditional MLM companies strived off this concept and many people who joined these different companies want to establish these income streams.

This is much easier to accomplish with the internet now, most people are familiar with using their credit cards online and the numbers are just about doubling year after year for people who are shopping online and making weekly transactions.

If you want to capitalize on this then do the following

Promote products that have a rebilling sequence in them. This can be done with membership sites and services that require monthly payments to stay active, there are tons!

Your hosting for example is monthly, if you have a website you have to pay monthly to keep it active, the retention rates are high on things like this because they are essential, did you know you could become an affiliate for one of these? The most popular one is Host Gator but there are many others that will do just fine also.

Ninja Traffic Source to get this started!

3rd party banner campaigns on that website: This is the most ninja way, because you can easily setup a banner advertising campaign that will land a banner with your offer right on their site, you can do this by visiting buy sell ads. com our any of the other major banner advertising companies out there.

Depending on the size of the banner and length of time it will be on the site, it will cost you around 500 - 300 bucks monthly. This can be really profitable for you if your banner is somewhere that gets good traffic and the traffic is interested in what you have to offer.

Hope you found value in this, talk again sometime soon...

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Write More Articles for Massive Traffic to Your Website

OK. You've tried article marketing a little bit. Maybe you've seen some results. But if you don't write more articles every day, you'll never get massive traffic to your website. You see, article writing is worth the time. However, many people quit before they see results. Let me put it into perspective for you.

I write hundreds of articles per month. I do this because I understand it takes time for each article I write to get indexed by Google and the top search engines. Article writing is not a quick fix. It will take lots of effort. In fact, if you aren't writing at least 5 articles per day online, just stop what you are doing. However, those 5 articles per day can be worth thousands of dollars to you. For example, let's say that you have a $28, $125, $500 and a $1,000 product on the back-end. At one sale per week for each product, you would be making $6,612 per month online.

So how do you write more articles?

First, decide on the topics you will be writing about. What market are you in? What do people want to learn about? If you are in the "make money online" niche, you would write about earning money on the internet and any other sub-topic related to earning an income. So what are you going to write about? Write about people's questions. If you can think of 5 questions someone might ask you in your niche, that's 5 potential articles you could write. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Second, turn off your cell phone, close all the tabs on your internet browser and simply write. I know this sounds obvious, but you would be surprised at how many people spend hours of time on these useless tasks. Keeping yourself focused and dedicated to your goals will bring you success. Be sure to brainstorm all the different ideas and topics you could write about.

Third, time yourself. This is great because it gives you a sense of accomplishment. It used to take me a full 40 minutes to write an article. When I started timing myself, I noticed that I could write rather quickly. I can now write an article in seven minutes flat. So I can write 8 articles in an hour. If you can do this, things will get very exciting for you. You'll start to see the money come in. Your conversions will begin to look promising.

If you take anything away from this article, let it be this: the key to success on the internet is taking action. The more content you put online the better your results will be. It REALLY is that SIMPLE.

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