Saturday, November 24, 2012

3 Smart Tips to Getting Action From Your Content

Seems like every expert and their sister declares that all you need to do is write a simple article, submit it around the internet, and soon you'll become an instant millionaire. Is it really that easy?

Of course it is... if you know the right things to do to get Smoking Hot Traffic.

Some content marketers just churn out article after article, without giving much thought to how the strategy works and what they're hoping to achieve. These are the folks who are then dissatisfied when they don't get the results they were looking for. They might even claim that content marketing doesn't work.

That is simply not true, of course. However, there's always room for improvement in the way you write your articles. Indeed, small tweaks can produce big results. Read on...

So what are these 3 tips that will get my content read?

1. Use the Active Voice

One of the easiest ways to make your articles more appealing is by ensuring that you avoid passive language and always use the active voice. Here's what I mean: If there is some action in your article, make sure that your reader is taking this action or that a character in your story is the one taking the action.

Let me give you an example, which will clear this up really quickly:

Passive: The article will be written. This is weak and not engaging. The question is, who's writing the article? To make this sentence engaging, you need to make it active, like this... Active: You will write the article.

Notice the difference?

All you have to do is search through your articles and look for red flags of passive language, such as phrases like "will be." When you find them, rewrite the sentence so that a person is completing the action.

2. Assume the Sale

This is an ancient copywriting and sales trick that converts nicely to articles, especially if you have a specific call to action at the end of the article. Here's how it works...

Instead of asking someone to take an action, you assume that they're going to take it. For example, a sales person who's making an appointment doesn't ask, "Can we set up an appointment?" Instead, he assumes the person wants the appointment and asks, "Would you like to set up an appointment on Monday or Tuesday?"

Likewise, you can do the same in your writing. For example, you don't ask someone to buy. Instead, you tell them how to do it. That is, you're assuming they want to buy... so you just let them know the next step.

3. Cater to Different Learning Styles

Here's a little-known trick. But first, some background...

Different people prefer to learn in different ways. Some rely on their sense of sight, some prefer to hear the information and the third group prefers hands-on experience and emotional-based learning.

The first way you can use your content to generate your desired interest is by offering multi-media content. While you are primarily a text-based content marketer, you should post videos and audios on your blog and elsewhere from time to time.

Secondly, the phrases you use in your content can impact your reader. Specifically, you can use phrases that attract to the above-mentioned different learners. For example:

• Sight-based learners like phrases like "you see" and "it's clear."

• Auditory learners prefer phrases like "listen" and "I hear you."

• Kinesthetic-emotional learners like phrases like "I feel you" and "touch base."

My point is, all you have to do is be sure to sprinkle in some eye-catching, ear-dropping and kinesthetic-emotional phrases in every article you craft. That way, you'll appeal to a broader audience and build rapport more quickly. End result, you'll have readers that trust you, which leads to more sales, a responsive list and some Smoking Hot Traffic!

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